Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A 15 years old got saved, Glory to God

Yesterday, our neighbor 15 years old that we have been praying for came to our house, some how she started asking about heaven, that is when my 13 years old daughter started answering her questions, then David walks out to see what they were doing, so he then gets his Bible and tells her the Glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, then at the end we asked her if she wanted to ask Jesus to save her and to believe in him and receive the gift of Eternal life from him, she said yes so I led her in prayer, and we all rejoiced with her.
We have been praying for the whole family and that the Lord would open the door for us to witness and share the Gospel with all of them, David already talk to her father but he is not ready yet, we will continue to pray and let God work in the heart of the rest of them.
she is the third person in our neighborhood that got saved when we shared the gospel with them.
To God be the glory.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tuesday Night Soulwinning!

We got to church ON TIME! everyone got paired up with a partner, then left church on the bus, we sang some songs on the bus then got dropped off at the locations that we were soul winning at, my partner and I got off the bus and started soul winning, we knocked many doors and no one was willing to talk to us, most were busy, not home, or eating dinner......while we were out knocking doors there was a boy (maybe 14?) on a skate board with his dog going down the street, well, we ended up going to his house, he had gone in for a minute then was coming out right when we walked up, so, I asked him if he went to church anywhere, he replied "No", then I asked him "If you died today, are you 100% sure you would go to heaven?" he chuckled and said "No", so I asked him if I could take a couple minutes and show him how he could be 100% sure, and he said "Okay", so I took him through the Plan of Salvation, after I was done I asked him if he believed everything I showed him, he said "Yes", and then I asked him if it was okay if I could pray with him before I left so that way he could be 100% he was going to heaven (I really deep down inside didn't think he let me pray with him:) but guess what??? he did and got saved right then, and when we were done praying I asked him where he was going when he died, he said "heaven" and I asked him why, and he said "Because I believe!", it was totally amazing, I then started explaining to him that he needed to go tell his friends what I had just told him, I asked him that if they were not saved and if they died where would they go, and he said "They will go to hell" I said "You don't want them to go there do you?" he said "No" so I told him that have has to go and tell them about Jesus too!Well ya'lls thanks so much for reading!Have a wonderful day!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our Annual Soul-winning Week

I was not able to attend because I was sick this week. However, the results of this intense week of soul-winning was astounding! Ashley actually saw 2 people saved as a silent partner, which was really encouraging. The most encouraging thing, though, was the total saved this week: 175 !!!!!


Monday, June 1, 2009

One More Soul Won To Christ

I was shopping at the Goodwill store last Saturday when I found a really nice ceiling fan that was completely assembled, so after I finished paying for all the wonderful deals that I found, the cashier asked one of the helpers to help me carry it and put the fan in the trunk of my car, as he was trying to fit it in trunk I thought I should ask him the same question we ask people when we go soul winning " if you died today, are you 100% sure you would go to heaven ?"the Young man said "yes ", then I asked "how would you go, what is your ticket to heaven?"the man said I really do not know , then I asked if you do not know how and you do not have the ticket you will not be able to go to heaven then, but I can show you now how you can know 100% that you can have a home in heaven, so I started sharing the Gospel with him and the plan of salvation and quoted the verses for him and asked him "do you want to get saved and take the gift of eternal life by believing in the Savior The Lord Jesus Christ the man said "yes", then I led him to pray and ask Jesus for salvation and the gift of eternal life, he was very thankful and said "I always wanted to know, and now I do thank you for sharing with me. " I went home rejoicing

A daughter of the KING OF KING

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Yesterday's soulwinning

Yesterday I went soul winning with 2 girls, they were pretty rowdy and they were starting to make me rowdy too, but our adult soul winning partners across the road told them to calm down and to not be so loud and they did stop, well after a while of not getting any one to talk to us, we were getting pretty discouraged, but we knocked on this one door and a teenage girl answered it, we asked if her and her family went to church anywhere and she said "Well, yeah, I go to a different church than my parents do though", I then asked what kind of church she went to she said "it's a Non-Denominational church", so then I asked her if she was to die was she sure she would go to heaven? she said "No, not really", I asked her if I could take 5 minutes and show her how she could be 100% sure? she said "Yeah!" So then I proceeded in telling her the plan of Salvation, and GUESS WHAT????? SHE GOT SAVED!

I was so happy going back to church on the bus!!!!
I had gotten someone saved that day, what a great day!!!!
After, my friends and I calmed down and got serious about what we were doing, God gave us someone to lead to Him, Isn't God awesome?

One More Soul Will Be In Heaven

It was Tuesday night soul winning at our church, we all get together and after Pastor Cowling gave us little soul winning tips and pairs us together we all get on the church bus and head out to the neighbourhoods selected by our leaders to door knock and share the beautiful Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, on of the highlight of our evening is all the wonderful singing that do on the way there and back, My little Nellie came with us once on the bus and now she refuse to stay at the nursery because all the fun we have on the bus so has been going with us for the past 3 weeks.

I was paired up with a dear lady that has been going to Valley Baptist Church for 15 years and we had a great time giving out invitation cards of our church and sharing the Gospel when we were allowed, at the end of the evening I prayed loud and asked God to please give us at least one soul before we head home, so we knocked the next door and a young 20 years old lady opens the door turns on the porch light, it was dark, then she comes out and close the door , so I started by asking her " if you died today , are you 100% sure you would go to heaven? she answered" yes", so then I asked "so where do you go to church? "she said" she goes to a Lutheran church, so then I asked her if they believe the Plan Of Salvation from the Bible, she then looked confused and so I asked her if she believes she is a sinner and started showing her the verses, after a short conversation I knew she was not saved and when she looked very interested in what I was showing her from the Bible I just continued on explaining how eternal life is a gift from God and the only way we can get that gift is by believing that Jesus died in our place to pay the penalty of our sins and went to Hell in our place so we do not have to go, at the end I asked her do you believe what I showed you from the Bible and want to ask Jesus to save you and give you the gift of eternal life" she answered "yes, what should I do?"
then I said bow your head close your eyes and repeat after me, telling Jesus what you believed, so she did and was so happy, immediately after she was finished her prayer she started telling me about her brother who is an atheist and she would like to share what she just did with him.
when we started going home I learned that my husband and my daughter both had won people to the LORD which made our evening extra special.
To God be all the glory.
a daughter of the king of king

Monday, May 18, 2009


In the whole month of April, May, and June there have been eighteen people that I have witnessed to who have gotten saved! I would have never dreamed that I would accually be witnessing to people and then some of them would get saved! That's been very encouraging to me. =)